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Volunteer With Us

We rely on the generosity and kindness of people in our local communities to volunteer in our shops. If you are local and have some time to spare, you could lend a hand in any of our White Rose shops by offering a few hours a week of your time. You can apply online below.


Who can volunteer to work in a charity shop?

Anyone who has a little time to spare and would like to use it to benefit White Rose and Aegis Trust can be a volunteer in our charity shops. Volunteers are often parents with young children, retired people, students, young people seeking work experience and part-time workers. Opportunities depend on vacancies according to your availability and particular interest or areas of expertise.

Volunteer Group

​What does volunteering involve?
You may be asked to sort donations, price goods, work on the till and create window displays. Special skills are not often required as training is given on the job, but if you have experience, you should tell the shop manager as it can often be put to use, making sure its a winning outcome for both you and us.

Volunteering need not interfere with other commitments, however, we do ask for regular commitment to a set number of hours per week, so please consider your schedule when applying. Volunteers often enjoy their time at the shop as it gives them the chance to meet people, make new friends, become part of a team and learn new skills while raising money for our charity; Aegis Trust.


Will volunteering cost me anything?

Currently White Rose only asks that volunteers cover their expenses in getting to the shop. We provide breaks and tea, coffee and biscuits are available throughout the shift. Those on Incapacity Benefit can volunteer without their payments being affected, and those claiming the Job Seeker’s Allowance should not be affected as long as they are still ‘actively seeking and available for work’. Whichever benefit you receive, you should inform your benefits agency if you are doing voluntary work.

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